Dinosaur Party Help – Party Fun Box

Dinosaur Party Help

Dinosaur Party Invitation Wording

Step back in pre-historic times
With dinosaurs and big green vines
Brontosaurus and stegosaurus
And those beasts that came before us
Ruled the earth
they were big and hardy
Come join them at my birthday party!

Dinosaur Party Decorations

  • A nice way to decorate is the same way you would decorate for a “Jungle Party” lots of green paper leaves and twisted vines made from long lengths of brown paper bags/wrapping paper.
  • Make “Volcanos” out of Posterboard and stick them to the wall, (you can use red/silver tinsel as “lava” – coming out of the hole of the volcano.
  • If you are really really ambitious… you can make a working volcano out of papier mache! (there are different ways to do it …most involve encasing a pop bottle (with vinegar and soda)).
  • Use all your house plants and use fake Ivy plants(often easy to find at the thrift stores), to re-create a “Jurassic Jungle” atmosphere.
  • Make large “rocks” out of stuffed brown paper bags, or make rocks out of papier mache.
  • Use greenery that you pruned from the backyard to decorate the “dino jungle”

Dinosaur Party Costumes

There are three types of costumes that the children could wear, if you want them to dress up:

  • Dress up as a Dinosaur – (dino masks can be made out of fun foam, tails can be made and worn with a strap around waist
  • Dress up as a Palentologist – (Pith helmet, and khakis)
  • Dress up as a Caveman – (a large piece of fun fur front and back joined at one shoulder.

Dinosaur Party Activities

  • Make your own fossil/dinosaur dig by before the party encasing something in Plaster of Paris mixed with water (and also sand if you like) and left to dry and harden. Then chip away with a little hammer (use googles)
  • Have the children communicate “Caveman Style” using only grunts to explain (like prehistoric charades)
  • Make a simple dino “head” (with a horn) and have the kids “loop the hoop on the horn”
  • Do prehistoric face painting (if you are following the caveman angle!)
  • Hatch the “Dino Eggs” (Balloons) … you hatch them by sitting on them … rowdy fun! (good at the end of the party if you are done with the balloons!)
  • Try a Dinosaur Quiz (source the questions on the internet) no one said that the party couldn’t be educational!
  • Play “_____Rex Says!” (instead of Simon Says…) use the first initial of the name … if the party boy’s name is David …. call him “D-Rex”
  • Paleo-Bone Relay Race – Balance the “bone” (could be a dog bone treat) and get it into the bucket on the other side of the yard/room.
  • Have a “Dino Dig”. In a kiddie pool/sandbox have some clean sand, and in the sand place dinosaur relics to find: Dog Bones, “Bones” made of hardened dough, Dino “Eggs” (plastic eggs/eggs made from dried hardened dough), Plastic dinosaurs, Fossils (press a toy dinosaur into a lump of dough and let it harden), or even real bones (cleaned, boiled and bleached). Give the children scoops,shovels and brushes to find the items.
  • Make Dinosaur Bingo cards – Print out different types of dinosaurs and stick them down on bingo grid cards (randomly) on each card.
  • Make Dinosaur fridge magnets from fimo clay and bake and finally glue on magnets
  • Creative Cavemen: Put some brown packing paper up on the walls and have the children decorate it with paints (for extra fun – have them use their hands).
  • Have Dinosaur Bowling/Dinosaur Ring Toss (decorate pop bottles as Dinosaurs for the bowling).
  • Have a Lava tug-o-war… Have red/orange paper/fabric/towel between the 2 teams of dinos (the carnivores and the herbivores). Each team tries to pull the other team into the “lava”.
  • Make Dino feet out of decorated cereal boxes (wear like big slippers).
  • Make Dino tin can walkers, decorate the 2 tin cans and then punch holes on either side to thread the length of rope through (and secure/knot the rope to the cans.) Walk on the cans while steadying yourself with the ropes.
  • Search for Dino Eggs (Plastic Easter Eggs with treats inside) set a time limit to find the eggs … if they don’t find them in time they all go extinct!
  • Have a “Lava Obstacle Course” (the floor is “Lava” and you have to make your way from one end to the other without touching the floor and thereby “burning” yourself)

Dinosaur Party Food

  • Make a bundt cake “Volcano”.
  • Make dino shaped sandwiches with a cookie cutter
  • The center of the Volcano cake can have dry ice in a cup/ sparklers or simply drizzle lava coloured icing down the cake as if it were a volcano. Decorate with plastic dinosaurs.
  • Serve Red coloured juice “Lava”
  • Make Martha Stewart’s “fossil cookies” (make a dinosaur impression on the surface of the sugar cookies with small plastic dinosaurs and bake).
  • Boil Eggs with an equal number of onion peelings so that the peeled egg will have mottled dinosaur egg appearance.
  • Serve Pterodactyl wings (chicken wings) and mashed potato volcanos (use a greased funnel as a mold)
  • Serve Bog Water (Frozen Limeade and Gingerale … add a little pineapple juice for sweetness).
  • Have primordial pudding for dessert (chocolate pudding with chocolate cookie crumbs) with gummy dinos and worms.