The Sweetest Day!

The Following is from Wikipedia:

The first Sweetest Day was pronounced as October 8, 1921 in Cleveland. The Cleveland Plain Dealer’s October 8, 1922 edition, which chronicles the first Sweetest Day in Cleveland, states that the first Sweetest Day was planned by a committee of 12 confectioners chaired by candymaker C. C. Hartzell. The Sweetest Day in the Year Committee distributed over 20,000 boxes of candy to “newsboys, orphans, old folks, and the poor” in Cleveland, Ohio.[3] The Sweetest Day in the Year Committee was assisted in the distribution of candy by some of the biggest movie stars of the day including Theda Bara and Ann Pennington.[3]

There were also several attempts to start a “Sweetest Day” in New York City, including a declaration of a Candy Day throughout the United States by candy manufacturers on October 8, 1922.[4] In 1927, The New York Times reported that “the powers that determine the nomenclature of the weeks of October” decreed that the week beginning on October 10, 1927 would be known as Sweetest Week.[5] On September 25, 1937, The New York Times reported under Advertising News and Notes that The National Confectioners Association had launched a “movement throughout the candy industry” to rank Sweetest Day with the nationally accepted Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and St. Valentine’s Day.[6] In 1940, another Sweetest Day was proclaimed on October 19. The promotional event was marked by the distribution of more than 10,000 boxes of candy by the Sweetest Day Committee.[7] The candy was distributed among 26 local charities. 225 children were given candy in the chapel at the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children on October 17, 1940.[7] 600 boxes of candy were also delivered to the presidents of the Jewish, Protestant and Catholic Big Sister groups of New York.

It appears that this Holiday is observed mostly in the Mid-West United States (especially Cleveland) on the 3rd Saturday of October… even though we aren’t in the Mid-West … it is an excuse to eat Candy!

National Chestnut Week!

It is National Chestnut Week!

While Chestnuts are Great for Eating!  Horse Chestnuts are mildly poisonous.

Even though you can’t eat them Horse Chestnuts are great for a Fantastic Autumn Game…. Conkers!

It’s a game from my childhood (in Nova Scotia) that I remember very fondly.

In 2012 The people of Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia Canada started the

North American Conker Championships! (Held this year on October 19)

Check out their website for the rules…

Happy World Egg Day!

Happy World Egg Day!

From Argentina to Vietnam there are celebrations worldwide to celebrate the Egg!

Eggs are an Egg-cellent Source of Nutrition:

12% of your daily protein and contains Vitamin A, B6, B12, Folate, Iron, Phosphorus and Zinc and a Natural source of Vitamin D and at only 75 Calories.

Make sure you keep them in the Fridge though (Eggs age more in one day at room temperature than in one week in the fridge).


Hooray for Johnny Appleseed!

Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed! One of most unusual and eccentric frontiersman that ever was! Born John Chapman in the early 1800’s he planted over 100,000 square miles of apple orchards in the United States: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Virginia.

He anticipated where the Pioneers would settle and planted nurseries in those areas leaving them in the care of neighbours, and returning every year or two to tend to the trees, which would be sold to the settlers.

He was a legend in his own time and reportedly did actually wear a tin pot as a hat! A man at that time that was a barefoot vegetarian who wouldn’t harm animals, hunt, ride a horse, or chop down a tree was eccentric to say the least! Although on account of his land holdings he did die a wealthy man.

Apples don’t “grow true” (the seeds of the apple don’t produce the same variety of apple). Sweet and tasty apples come though grafting not planting seeds. In Johnny’s time the apples were mostly grown for hard cider which was a more delicious and safe alternative to corn liquor. Many of the apples that Mr Appleseed planted were of a sour variety – and great for cider.


Happy Elephant Appreciation Day!

So the story goes … a Man in Florida back in 1996 wanted to Honour the World’s Largest Land Animal! … and so became Elephant Appreciation  Day – celebrated every September 22! Who doesn’t love Elephants!

Elephants are very large beloved noble animals that have a gestation period of 2 years. Elephants are self-aware and can even recognize themselves in a mirror!

Friday the 13th!

Yes, It’s Friday the 13th! – one of 2 in 2013. Take care today … we hope that you don’t suffer from 

Riggatriskaidekaphobia  (fear of Friday the 13th).  No one knows for sure the origin of this suspicion.

Perhaps it is a combination of 13 being unlucky and Fridays also considered to be unlucky.